CONTAINER prefixes

Shipping container carriers have their own fleet of container equipment, which they provide to the cargo owner for rent for the delivery of cargo to the destination.
There are container operators who own containers, which also lease their containers to cargo owners or the same shipping companies. Each container owner is assigned a unique 4-letter code (BIC-code), which marks all containers of this container owner. The code is assigned by the International Bureau for Containers and Intermodal Transport (BIC) and is entered in the international register of container owners. This code, also called a prefix, is present on all sea containers and is a mandatory part of the container number. For example, a container with the number GMU5624738 has the prefix CGMU and belongs to the maritime company CMA CGM.
Container codes and their owners
Prefix |
Owner |
Company |
ACLU | ACL | Atlantic Container Line | ACXU | Atlantic Cargo | ADCU | GE SeaCo | AKLU | K Line | Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. | ALLU | Allied Container Network | ALMU | Almar Container Group | ALNU | ECB Group | ALRU | Almar Container Group | AMCU | CMA CGM | Compagnie Maritime d Affretement Compagnie Generale Maritime | AMFU | Textainer | AMZU | Textainer | ANNU | ANL | Australia National Line | ANYU | One Way Lease | APHU | APL | American President Lines | APIU | APL | American President Lines | APLS | APL | American President Lines | APLU | APL | American President Lines | APMU | Maersk | Maersk Line | APRU | APL | American President Lines | APZU | APL | American President Lines | ARDU | Caru | ARHU | Caru | ARKU | Arkas | Arkas Container Transport S.A. | ARMU | Adeptainer | ARTU | Caru | ATBU | A-Tainer & Service | ATIU | Eurotainer SA | AWSU | Swire | Swire Shipping | AXIU | Textainer | AZLU | Hapag | Hapag Lloyd Container Line | BAFU | Bulkhaul Ltd. | BBXU | BestBox-Containerhandel e.K. | BCHU | Braun Container Handels GmbH | BGFU | BG Freight | BG Freight Line | BHCU | Bridgehead Container Services Ltd | BLJU | Balaji | Balaji Shipping Lines | BLKU | Bulkhaul Ltd. | BMLU | Bernuth | Bernuth Lines | BMOU | Beacon Intermodal | BMSU | BMC Line | BMC Line Shipping LLC | BNSU | BNS Container AS | BORU | Borchard | Borchard Lines Ltd | BOXU | Bulkhaul Ltd. | BSIU | Blue Sky Intermodal (UK) Ltd | BUTU | BT | Brointermed Lines Limited | BVIU | Stolt Tank Containers | BXCU | BoxCon | CACU | Hapag | Hapag Lloyd Container Line | CADU | Hamburg SUD | Hamburg Sudamerikanische Dampfschifffahrts Gesellschaft | CAIU | CAI | Container Applications International | CAPU | Capital UK Ltd | CARU | Caru | CASU | Hapag | Hapag Lloyd Container Line | CATU | Caru | CAXU | CAI | Container Applications International | CBHU | COSCON | COSCO Container Lines Co., Ltd. | CCGU | CATU Containers | CCLU | CSCL | China Shipping Container Lines Co | CCRU | Eurotainer SA | CCSU | Servial CC ApS | CDKU | Containerland Danmark | CESU | Consent Equipment AB | CGHU | CMA CGM | Compagnie Maritime d Affretement Compagnie Generale Maritime | CGIU | Conglobal Industries | CGMU | CMA CGM | Compagnie Maritime d Affretement Compagnie Generale Maritime | CGTU | CMA CGM | Compagnie Maritime d Affretement Compagnie Generale Maritime | CHIU | Capital Intermodal | CHLU | CHL | Container H Lines | CHPU | CHIPOLBROK | Chinese-Polish Joint Stock Shipping Company | CIIU | Container-IT | CKLU | CK Line | CK Line | CLAU | Conti-Lines | Conti-Lines | CLDU | Cobelfret Containers N.V. | CLHU | Textainer | CLOU | GE SeaCo | CMAU | CMA CGM | Compagnie Maritime d Affretement Compagnie Generale Maritime | CMBU | Safmarine | Safmarine | CMCU | Crowley | CMNU | CMA CGM | Compagnie Maritime d Affretement Compagnie Generale Maritime | CMTU | IJ-Container ApS | CMUU | Hapag | Hapag Lloyd Container Line | CNCU | CNC Line | Cheng Lie Navigation Co.,Ltd | CNIU | CCNI | Compagnia Chilena de Navigacion Interoceanica SA | CNNU | China International Container Leasing | CORU | Caru | CPIU | Container Providers International | CPLU | ContainerPLUS | CPSU | Hapag | Hapag Lloyd Container Line | CRLU | Seacastle Inc | CRSU | Cronos | CRTU | Cronos | CRXU | Cronos | CRYU | Cryo AB | CSFU | Containerships | Containerships | CSLU | CSCL | China Shipping Container Lines Co | CSOU | Containerships | Containerships | CSQU | Hapag | Hapag Lloyd Container Line | CSVU | CSAV | Compania Sud Americana de Vapores | CTIU | GE SeaCo | CTXU | Containex | CXCU | Horizon | Horizon Lines | CXIU | TITAN Containers International A/S | CZLU | Contaz | Contaz Line | CZZU | CAI | Container Applications International | DALU | Hapag | Hapag Lloyd Container Line | DAYU | DAL | Deutsche Afrika-Linien | DCSU | Danish Container Supply A/S | DFSU | Dong Fang International Investment Limited | DLKU | Stolt Tank Containers | DNAU | UES International (HK) Ltd. | DNCU | DanContainer A/S | DRYU | Seacastle Inc | DSLU | Delta | Delta Shipping Lines | DVRU | Delmas | Delmas | EASU | Waterfront Container Leasing Co. Inc. | ECMU | CMA CGM | Compagnie Maritime d Affretement Compagnie Generale Maritime | EGHU | Evergreen | Evergreen Line | EIMU | Eimskip | Eimskip | EISU | Evergreen | Evergreen Line | ELOU | MACS | Maritime Carrier Shipping Center GmbH & Co. | EMCU | Evergreen | Evergreen Line | ENAU | Hamburg SUD | Hamburg Sudamerikanische Dampfschifffahrts Gesellschaft | ESFU | FESCO ESF | FESCO ESF | ESPU | Emirates | Emirates Shipping Line | ESSU | K Line | Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. | ETNU | Eurotainer SA | EUCU | Eucon | Eucon | EULU | ESL | EuroAfrica Shipping Lines co. Ltd. | EURU | Eurotainer SA | EUSU | UES International (HK) Ltd. | EVAU | Eurotainer SA | EXFU | EXSIF Worldwide, Inc. | EXXU | EXSIF Worldwide, Inc. | FAAU | Maersk | Maersk Line | FANU | Hapag | Hapag Lloyd Container Line | FBIU | Florens Container Services | FBLU | Florens Container Services | FBXU | Flex-Box Limited | FCCU | FESCO | Far Eastern Shipping Company | FCIU | Florens Container Services | FESU | FESCO | Far Eastern Shipping Company | FFFU | Florens Container Services | FJKU | TCC | The Containership Company | FLZU | Fine Link Container | FOCU | OPDR | Oldenburg-Portugiesische Dampfschiffs-Rheederei | FRLU | Maersk | Maersk Line | FSCU | Florens Container Services | FWLU | Florens Container Services | GAEU | Textainer | GASU | Bulkhaul Ltd. | GATU | Textainer | GAZU | Textainer | GBCU | Global Container Concepts | GCCU | GE SeaCo | GCEU | GE SeaCo | GCIU | GCL | Global Container Lines | GCNU | Grimaldi | Grimaldi | GESU | GE SeaCo | GETU | Tarros | Tarros S.p.A. | GLDU | Gold Container Corporation | GNSU | Samskip | Samskip | GRCU | Borchard | Borchard Lines Ltd | GRDU | Gold Container Corporation | GRIU | Hamburg SUD | Hamburg Sudamerikanische Dampfschifffahrts Gesellschaft | GSLU | GSL | Gold Star Line Ltd. | GSTU | GE SeaCo | GVCU | UES International (HK) Ltd. | GVDU | UES International (HK) Ltd. | GVTU | Grand View Container Trading | HAKU | Ter Haak Group | HALU | Heung-A | Heung-A Shipping Co., Ltd. | HAMU | HMM | Hyundai Merchant Marine Co., Ltd. | HBSU | HANBAO Container Shipping & Trading | HCIU | Capital Intermodal | HCSU | HACON Containers B.V. | HDLU | Safmarine | Safmarine | HDMU | HMM | Hyundai Merchant Marine Co., Ltd. | HFAU | Bulkhaul Ltd. | HJCU | Hanjin | Hanjin Shipping Co. Ltd. | HJSU | Hanjin | Hanjin Shipping Co. Ltd. | HLCU | Hapag | Hapag Lloyd Container Line | HLXU | Hapag | Hapag Lloyd Container Line | HMCU | Evergreen | Evergreen Line | HMKU | WEC | West European Container Lines | HMMU | HMM | Hyundai Merchant Marine Co., Ltd. | HRZU | Horizon | Horizon Lines | IBCU | InterBulk Group | IBTU | InterBulk Group | ICCU | GE SeaCo | ICHU | Eurotainer SA | ICOU | ICON International Container Service | ICSU | TAL International Container Corporation | ICUU | ICL | Independent Container Line | IEAU | Cronos | IJCU | IJ-Container APS | IKKU | GE SeaCo | IKSU | TAL International Container Corporation | ILCU | Indian Container Leasing | IMDU | Seateq Corp. | IMNU | Seateq Corp. | IMTU | Evergreen | Evergreen Line | INBU | Seacastle Inc | INGU | Trifleet Leasing | INKU | Seacastle Inc | INNU | Seacastle Inc | IPXU | Seacastle Inc | IRNU | Seacastle Inc | IRSU | HDS Lines | Hafiz Darya Shipping Lines | ITAU | Hapag | Hapag Lloyd Container Line | ITLU | GE SeaCo | IVLU | Hapag | Hapag Lloyd Container Line | IXWU | Eurotainer SA | JAYU | Jay Group of Container Companies | JSCU | GE SeaCo | JSSU | CNCo | The China Navigation Co.,Ltd | JTMU | TCC | The Containership Company | KHJU | Hamburg SUD | Hamburg Sudamerikanische Dampfschifffahrts Gesellschaft | KHLU | Hamburg SUD | Hamburg Sudamerikanische Dampfschifffahrts Gesellschaft | KKFU | K Line | Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. | KKTU | K Line | Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. | KLCU | Containerships | Containerships | KLFU | K Line | Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. | KLTU | K Line | Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. | KMSU | YML | Yang Ming Line | KMTU | KMTC | Korea Marine Transport Co., Ltd. |
Prefix |
Owner |
Company |
KWCU | Textainer | LANU | Caru | LBIU | Libra | Companhia Libra de Navegacao | LCRU | Caru | LGEU | Caru | LMCU | Linea Messina | Linea Messina | LNXU | CSAV | Compania Sud Americana de Vapores | LOGU | Eurotainer SA | LPIU | Cronos | LSEU | One Way Lease | LTIU | Evergreen | Evergreen Line | LVNU | Flex-Box Limited | LVTU | POL-LEVANT | POL-LEVANT Shipping Lines | LYTU | Hapag | Hapag Lloyd Container Line | MAEU | Maersk | Maersk Line | MAGU | Magellan Maritime Services | MAJU | MISC | Malaysia International Shipping Corporation Berhad | MANU | Caru | MARU | Caru | MATU | Matson | Matson | MAXU | Textainer | MBIU | Bridgehead Container Services Ltd | MCLU | Borchard | Borchard Lines Ltd | MCSU | Star Container | MEAU | Star Container | MEDU | MSC | Mediterranean Shipping Company | MFRU | Marfret | Marfret Compagnie Maritime | MFTU | Marfret | Marfret Compagnie Maritime | MGBU | Maersk | Maersk Line | MGLU | Magellan Maritime Services | MGNU | Seacastle Inc | MHCU | MAG | MAG Shipping Company | MHHU | Maersk | Maersk Line | MIEU | Maersk | Maersk Line | MISU | MISC | Malaysia International Shipping Corporation Berhad | MLCU | Textainer | MMAU | Maersk | Maersk Line | MMCU | CMA CGM | Compagnie Maritime d Affretement Compagnie Generale Maritime | MMPU | MSCO | Murmansk Shipping Company | MNBU | Maersk | Maersk Line | MNLU | MISC | Malaysia International Shipping Corporation Berhad | MOAU | MOL | Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (O.S.K. Osaka Shosen Kaisha) | MOCU | MACS | Maritime Carrier Shipping Center GmbH & Co. | MOEU | MOL | Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (O.S.K. Osaka Shosen Kaisha) | MOFU | MOL | Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (O.S.K. Osaka Shosen Kaisha) | MOGU | MOL | Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (O.S.K. Osaka Shosen Kaisha) | MOLU | MOL | Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (O.S.K. Osaka Shosen Kaisha) | MOMU | Libra | Companhia Libra de Navegacao | MORU | MOL | Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (O.S.K. Osaka Shosen Kaisha) | MOSU | MOL | Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (O.S.K. Osaka Shosen Kaisha) | MOTU | MOL | Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (O.S.K. Osaka Shosen Kaisha) | MRKU | Maersk | Maersk Line | MSCU | MSC | Mediterranean Shipping Company | MSFU | Maersk | Maersk Line | MSHU | MISC | Malaysia International Shipping Corporation Berhad | MSKU | Maersk | Maersk Line | MSUU | M/S Container A/S | MSWU | Maersk | Maersk Line | MVIU | Maersk | Maersk Line | MWCU | Maersk | Maersk Line | MWLU | Muwon Corporation | MWMU | Maersk | Maersk Line | MWSU | Maersk | Maersk Line | NCCU | Nippon Concept Corporation | NCXU | Nor Lines | Nor Lines | NDLU | Maersk | Maersk Line | NEPU | APL | American President Lines | NEVU | Consent Equipment AB | NIRU | Nirint Shipping | Nirint Shipping | NODU | Nordana | Nordana Line | NOLU | APL | American President Lines | NOSU | APL | American President Lines | NPRU | SSL | Sea Star Line | NSAU | NSCSA | National Shipping Company of Saudi Arabia | NSCU | NSC | NSC Arkhangelsk | NSLU | CSAV Norasia | CSAV Norasia | NSRU | Namsung | Namsung Shipping Co., Ltd. | NSSU | Namsung | Namsung Shipping Co., Ltd. | NYKU | NYK | Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha Line | NYNU | NYK | Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha Line | OCLU | Maersk | Maersk Line | OCVU | Overbeek | OKCU | CSS | Cahaya Samudera Shipping Pte Ltd | OOLU | OOCL | Orient Overseas Container Line Ltd. | OPCU | OPDR | Oldenburg-Portugiesische Dampfschiffs-Rheederei | OPDU | OPDR | Oldenburg-Portugiesische Dampfschiffs-Rheederei | OTAU | OTAL | OT Africa Line | OTEU | Consent Equipment AB | PACU | Pacer | PBIU | Pro Box | PCIU | PIL | Pacific International Lines | PCLU | PanCon | Pan Continental Shipping Co., Ltd. | PCVU | Peacock | PDLU | PDL | Pacific Direct Line | PERU | Safmarine | Safmarine | PFLU | PFL | Pacific Forum Line | PGRU | C& Container Leasing | POCU | Maersk | Maersk Line | PONU | Maersk | Maersk Line | PRGU | Progeco | PRKU | Protank Logistics Co., Ltd. | PRSU | Textainer | PRTU | Portline | Portline | PSSU | Pentalver Transport | QIBU | UASC | United Arab Shipping Company Co.(S.A.G) | QNLU | UASC | United Arab Shipping Company Co.(S.A.G) | QNNU | UASC | United Arab Shipping Company Co.(S.A.G) | RALU | RAL | Royal Arctic Line | RAVU | Flex-Box Limited | REGU | RCL | Regional Container Lines | RILU | Rickmers | Rickmers Linie | RMCU | Multistar | RSSU | Royal Wolf | SACU | WWL | Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics | SAMU | Maersk | Maersk Line | SANU | Samskip | Samskip | SAXU | Axis Intermodal | SBAU | Seibow Limited | SBGU | SSL | Sea Star Line | SBIU | Sea Box | SBLU | Baco-Liner | Seereederei Baco-Liner GmbH | SCCU | GE SeaCo | SCIU | GE SeaCo | SCMU | Maersk | Maersk Line | SCNU | Sea Cargo | Sea Cargo | SCPU | GE SeaCo | SCSU | Caru | SCXU | GE SeaCo | SCZU | GE SeaCo | SEAU | Maersk | Maersk Line | SEFU | SeaFreight | SeaFreight Line | SENU | Hanjin | Hanjin Shipping Co. Ltd. | SESU | Spinnaker Equipment Services | SIIU | SCI | The Shipping Coporation of India Ltd. | SIKU | Samudera | Samudera Shipping Line Ltd | SITU | SITC | SITC Container Lines Co., LTD | SIUU | Hapag | Hapag Lloyd Container Line | SKLU | Sinokor | Sinokor Merchant Marine Co.,Ltd | SKRU | Sinokor | Sinokor Merchant Marine Co.,Ltd | SKYU | CAI | Container Applications International | SLCU | Caru | SLMU | Gold Container Corporation | SLSU | Spinnaker Equipment Services | SMLU | Seaboard Marine | Seaboard Marine | SNBU | Sinolines | Sinotrans Container Lines Co.,Ltd | SNGU | Sinolines | Sinotrans Container Lines Co.,Ltd | SNHU | Sinolines | Sinotrans Container Lines Co.,Ltd | SNIU | Stolt Tank Containers | SNTU | Stolt Tank Containers | SOCU | Star Service | SPLU | GE SeaCo | SPWU | SpaceWise | SSIU | GE SeaCo | STMU | Delmas | Delmas | STRU | SSL | Sea Star Line | SUDU | Hamburg SUD | Hamburg Sudamerikanische Dampfschifffahrts Gesellschaft | SVWU | CHS Container | SWTU | Stolt Tank Containers | TABU | Stolt Tank Containers | TAIU | Stolt Tank Containers | TASU | Tankspan | TCIU | TITAN Containers International A/S | TCKU | Triton Container International Limited | TCLU | TAL International Container Corporation | TCNU | Triton Container International Limited | TDRU | TAL International Container Corporation | TEHU | TAL International Container Corporation | TEXU | Textainer | TGHU | Textainer | TIFU | Trifleet Leasing | TISU | TIS | Transport Industrial Service | TITU | TITAN Containers International A/S | TLCU | Tschudi | Tschudi Lines | TLNU | Trident Container Leasing | TLXU | TA | Trans Asia Line | TMIU | Trifleet Leasing | TMMU | Hapag | Hapag Lloyd Container Line | TMYU | Transinsular | Transportes Maritimos Insulares, S.A. | TOLU | TAL International Container Corporation | TOPU | TOPtainer | TORU | Maersk | Maersk Line | TPCU | WHL | Wan Hai Lines | TPHU | TAL International Container Corporation | TPMU | EXSIF Worldwide, Inc. | TPTU | EXSIF Worldwide, Inc. | TPXU | TAL International Container Corporation | TQMU | Intermodal Tank Transport | TRDU | TAL International Container Corporation | TRIU | Triton Container International Limited | TRKU | Turkon | Turkon Line Inc | TRLU | TAL International Container Corporation | TRTU | Caru | TTNU | Triton Container International Limited | TTTU | Eurotainer SA | UACU | UASC | United Arab Shipping Company Co.(S.A.G) | UAEU | UASC | United Arab Shipping Company Co.(S.A.G) | UCLU | Ocean Africa | Ocean Africa Container Lines | UESU | UES International (HK) Ltd. | UETU | UES International (HK) Ltd. | UFCU | GE SeaCo | UGMU | Evergreen | Evergreen Line | UNIU | Unitas Container Leasing | UNOU | Uniteam Norway | UNXU | Unitas Container Leasing | USCU | Hapag | Hapag Lloyd Container Line | USPU | EXSIF Worldwide, Inc. | UTCU | Stolt Tank Containers | UTTU | InterBulk Group | UXXU | UES International (HK) Ltd. | VNLU | VINALines | Vietnam National Shipping Lines | WCAU | WCT — World Container Trading | WCIU | Textainer | WECU | WEC | West European Container Lines | WFHU | Waterfront Container Leasing Co. Inc. | WHLU | WHL | Wan Hai Lines | WLNU | WWL | Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics | WWLU | WWL | Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics | WWWU | Wind Container Leasing | XINU | Xines | XTRU | GE SeaCo | YMLU | YML | Yang Ming Line | YOIU | Triton Container International Limited | ZCSU | ZIM | ZIM Integrated Shipping Services Ltd | ZIMU | ZIM | ZIM Integrated Shipping Services Ltd |